We are an aeromedical examination centre that has been in existence since 1991 and carries out all aeromedical examinations of pilots, cabin crew and air traffic control personnel in accordance with EASA guidelines. We are NOT PERMITTED to carry out the INITIAL examination for CLASS 1. These examinations are reserved for the Aeromedical Centre. Please inform yourself about this on the homepage of the Luftfahrtbundesamt (LBA) (https://www.lba.de/DE/Luftfahrtpersonal/Flugmedizin/Zentren_AMC/L5_LstFlugmedZentren.html?nn=2090166).
Dres. med. Andreas Röbel, Jonna Malek and Matthäus Müller are aeromedical experts for Class 1, Class 2 and LAPL medical examinations, as well as for issuing flight attendant certificates and conducting medical examinations for air traffic control personnel. Please make an appointment by telephone, e-mail or via our online appointment calendar. The application for a medical certificate can only be made via EMPIC (European Aviation Processing System) in our practice. Please do not fill in the application form in advance as this must be done digitally.
Appointments aeromedical examination centre:
Telephone: +4916090356353
Answering machine Aaron: +4969285050
e-mail: flugmedizin@fradoc.de
or use the online appointment calendar